"To the stars," in Latin, 7 letters

Here you will find the answer to the "To the stars," in Latin crossword clue with 7 letters that was last seen January 11 2025. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for ""To the stars," in Latin" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%ADASTRA7"To the stars," in Latin
82%ADASTRA7"To the stars," in mottos
73%ASTRA5Second word in Kansas' Latin motto ("To the stars through difficulties" in English)
72%MODUSOPERANDI13Plan of action, as "initially" found in the answers to the starred clues?
72%CAPELLA7Brightest star in Auriga, from the Latin for "little she-goat"
71%0Stars in the sky, to the naked eye
71%ERIVO5Cynthia ___, actress set to star as Elphaba in the upcoming "Wicked" adaptation
70%IMDOWN6"Count me in!," or an apt description of the answers to the starred clues
70%RESISTANCE10Opposition to the Galactic Empire, in "Star Wars"
69%CLOSEBUTNOCIGAR15"Not quite!," and what can be said about a letter string in the answer to each starred clue
68%ADASTRA7Latin phrase meaning "to the stars"
68%GOESOUTWITHABANG16Finishes in grand style, like the answers to the starred clues?
67%INNERCITY9Densely populated area, and a hint to the capitals in the starred answers
67%ONTHEROAD9Kerouac novel, and a hint to the four starred women in this puzzle
67%JOINTHECLUB11"You're not alone," and what the first word in the answer to each starred clue can do
66%FLIESSOUTH10Migrates for the winter, and a hint to the shift in the starred answers
66%CAPITALGAIN11Good news for investors, as seen literally in the answers to the starred clues
66%CHOPPYWATERS12Rough sailing, and what can be found in the answers to the starred clues
66%FILLONESSHOES13Step in for another, and what the answers to the starred clues literally do
66%CHANGEAGENT11Modern innovator, and what can be found in the answers to the starred clues
66%LEA3Actress Thompson who starred in the "Back to the Future" trilogy
66%THISANDTHAT11Miscellany, and a hint to the hidden words in the starred answers
66%DROPBOX7Big name in the cloud, and a hint to the starred answers
66%ALOT4Lazy answer to "How many stars are in the sky?"
66%MEASURESUP10Meets expectations, and a hint to words hidden in the starred answers
66%CROSSREFERENCES15Things to "see" in a dictionary, and what both parts of the answers to the starred clues are?
65%JEDI4Opposition to the Sith in "Star Wars"
65%RECYCLEDMATERIALS17Parts used over and over again, such as the letters in the answers to the starred clues
65%CHANGEOFFORTUNE15Reversal in luck, and what can be found in the answers to the starred clues
65%RUNAROUND9Evasive maneuvering, and what can literally be found in the answers to the starred clues

Related Clues for "To the stars," in Latin

How many answers for a "To the stars," in Latin?
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a "To the stars," in Latin crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page.
How many answers for a "To the stars," in Latin?
We have found more than 30 answers for a "To the stars," in Latin crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the the-crossword-solver.org site.