Here you will find the answer to the Cut with a knife crossword clue with 4 letters that was last seen August 5 2024. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Cut with a knife" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.
Rating | Answer | Lenght | Clue |
100% | SLIT | 4 | Cut with a knife |
71% | STAB | 4 | Thrust with a knife |
71% | STAB | 4 | Puncture with a knife |
71% | STAB | 4 | Attack with a knife |
71% | PARE | 4 | Peel with a knife |
71% | STABS | 5 | Strikes with a knife |
71% | STAB | 4 | Jab with a knife |
71% | CUT | 3 | Divide with a knife |
71% | LASE | 4 | Cut with a beam |
71% | LASE | 4 | Cut with a light |
71% | INCISE | 6 | Cut with a scalpel |
71% | REAPS | 5 | Cuts with a sickle |
66% | STABS | 5 | Pierces, as with a knife |
66% | STABS | 5 | Jabs with a knife, say |
66% | STAB | 4 | Attack with a knife, say |
65% | PARE | 4 | Remove outer vegetable skin with a knife |
65% | MOE | 3 | Stooge with a bowl cut |
65% | SLITSKIRT | 9 | Bottom with a long cut |
64% | ADZE | 4 | Tool with a perpendicular cutting edge |
63% | PARES | 5 | Peels off the rind with a knife, say |
62% | GRASS | 5 | Blades of this plant are often cut with a mower |
62% | GINSU | 5 | Knife with a "forever sharp promise" |
61% | SNIP | 4 | A word for cut that rhymes with clip |
61% | CLIP | 4 | Cut out with scissors, as a coupon |
61% | HEW | 3 | Cut down with a 49-Down |
61% | SAW | 3 | Tool with a jagged blade for cutting wood |
59% | HANDCARVE | 9 | Make a wooden figurine with a knife |
59% | FRANTIC | 7 | Like a chicken with its head cut off |
59% | SNIP | 4 | Make a quick cut with scissors |
58% | BLADE | 5 | Part of a knife that's used to cut vegetables |
Related Clues for Cut with a knife
How many answers for a Cut with a knife? |
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a Cut with a knife crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page. |
How many answers for a Cut with a knife? |
We have found more than 30 answers for a Cut with a knife crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the site. |