Let one of these be your umbrella on a rainy day, 5 letters

Here you will find the answer to the Let one of these be your umbrella on a rainy day crossword clue with 5 letters that was last seen October 6 2023. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Let one of these be your umbrella on a rainy day" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%SMILE5Let one of these be your umbrella on a rainy day
42%ICE3This will send a chill down your spine, if you put it on your spine, of course
42%PEAR4On the first day of Christmas, your true love may send you a partridge in this "poached fruit" tree
41%CAKE4You might eat one of these on your birthday
40%ELEVEN6On a scale of 1 to 10, what one amp in "This Is Spinal Tap" goes to
40%MOVIE5A lot of people might be working on one
40%CLUE4This sentence is an example of a vague one
40%SCOLD5Being a public one of these remained on the UK statute books until 1967
39%SNUGGLE7On a cozy indoor day, curl up with your loved one
39%CARTRIP7A game of I Spy might be played on one
39%COT3A sleeping bag might be used on top of one
39%COCOA5On a cozy indoor day, grab this hot cup of chocolatey goodness
39%PUDDLE6A kid might jump in one on a rainy day
39%WED3Day of the wk. on which this puzzle was released
39%TOURSCHEDULE12One might be printed on the back of a concert tee
39%JOHANNSEBASTIANBACH191721: ___ presents his Brandenburg Concertos, a partial recording of which would one day be launched into space on the Voyager Golden Record
39%TIDE4One of dozens on a rack, some of which are super-ugly
38%OVEN4A kiln is one of these, used for wood or clay
38%BEEKEEPERS10A lot of these insect lovers are urban, these days
38%UMBRELLA8*Found on a package: Symbol of a rainy-day accessory, indicating that the object must be kept dry
38%MINUTEHAND10Indicator on a clock … or one of four in this puzzle?
38%ROD3A Fisherman will need one of these (a long pole)
38%VISTA5There might be a good one on top of a mountain
37%SELLOUT7One would be really disappointed to find this on reaching a movie theatre: Hyph.
37%GEESE5On the sixth day of Christmas, your true love may send you these six "V-shaped fliers"-a laying
36%LEAK4Roof problem on a rainy day
36%PUDDLES7Tiny ponds on a rainy day
36%YET3One of these days
36%SOMETIME8One of these days
36%KOOL4Get Down On It was one of this funky gang's hits

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How many answers for a Let one of these be your umbrella on a rainy day?
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a Let one of these be your umbrella on a rainy day crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page.
How many answers for a Let one of these be your umbrella on a rainy day?
We have found more than 30 answers for a Let one of these be your umbrella on a rainy day crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the the-crossword-solver.org site.