Here you will find the answer to the Lisbon greeting crossword clue with 3 letters that was last seen August 26 2024. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Lisbon greeting" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.
Rating | Answer | Lenght | Clue |
100% | OLA | 3 | Lisbon greeting |
49% | HELLOS | 6 | Greetings |
49% | SAIDHI | 6 | Greeted |
49% | HAIL | 4 | Greet |
49% | SAYHI | 5 | Greet |
49% | MET | 3 | Greeted |
49% | SAYSHITO | 8 | Greets |
49% | OHHI | 4 | Surprised greeting |
49% | OHHI | 4 | Distracted greeting |
49% | NIHAO | 5 | Mandarin greeting |
49% | HOLA | 4 | Spanish greeting |
49% | FRONTENTRANCE | 13 | Greeting spot |
49% | ALOHA | 5 | Polynesian greeting |
49% | MYMAN | 5 | Brotherly greeting |
49% | SALUTE | 6 | Military greeting |
49% | ALOHA | 5 | Island greeting |
49% | HIHI | 4 | Jaunty greeting |
49% | NIHAO | 5 | Chinese greeting |
49% | HOHOHO | 6 | Yule greeting |
49% | ALOHA | 5 | Luau greeting |
49% | WOOF | 4 | Canine greeting |
49% | ARF | 3 | Canine greeting |
49% | YODOG | 5 | Slangy greeting |
49% | ECARD | 5 | Inbox greeting |
49% | OLA | 3 | Portuguese greeting |
49% | HIHO | 4 | Slangy greeting |
49% | HIHO | 4 | Sunny greeting |
49% | BYE | 3 | Parting greeting |
49% | MOO | 3 | Bovine greeting |
49% | AHOY | 4 | Nautical greeting |
Related Clues for Lisbon greeting
- Suffix with "Cray" for a crayon company
- "Hello," in Portuguese
- Barcelona salutation hidden in "cola"
- Suffix with "Motor" or "Pay"
- Suffix with "cray" for a crayon brand
- "Wave" in Spanish
- Pay ending
- Suffix with "gran" for a healthy snack
- "Hello" in Rio
- Suffix with "Motor" to give a phone company
- Suffix with "cray" for a popular crayon brand
- "Motor" or "Cray" suffix
- Spanish "wave"
- "Hello," in Brazil
- Spanish for "wave"
- Suffix with "Motor" for a consumer electronics company
- Suffix with "cray" or "pay"
- Suffix with "can" for a type of vegetable oil
- São Paulo salutation
- Portuguese "hello"
How many answers for a Lisbon greeting? |
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a Lisbon greeting crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page. |
How many answers for a Lisbon greeting? |
We have found more than 30 answers for a Lisbon greeting crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the site. |
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