Photographer's request that is portrayed by this emoticon :), 5 letters

Here you will find the answer to the Photographer's request that is portrayed by this emoticon :) crossword clue with 5 letters that was last seen January 27 2025. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Photographer's request that is portrayed by this emoticon :)" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%SMILE5Photographer's request that is portrayed by this emoticon :)
61%SURPRISE8Unplanned birthday word that is portrayed by this emoticon :O
58%BLUSH5Flush of embarrassment that is portrayed by this emoticon (*^_^*)
57%ASLEEP6State of a napping person that is portrayed by this emoticon (~_~)zZZ
44%SAYCHEESE9Photographer's request … as suggested by this puzzle's circled letters?
43%FROWN5Unhappy expression portrayed by this emoticon :(
42%SHRUG5Shoulder gesture of indifference portrayed by this emoticon `('_')/`
39%NERD4Who's portrayed by this emoji: 🤓
37%IDLIKETOBUYANA14Request that will complete the show's puzzle
35%STOLENCAR9Auto that's been taken away by a criminal: 2 wds.
33%DAILYPLANET11Publication that is the key to this puzzle's theme
33%AOL3Internet company that was bought by Verizon this summer
33%AFRO4Hairstyle that's been worn by Rihanna
33%INSIDEJOB9What a robbery that's abetted by an employee is: 2 wds.
33%PREY4Animal that's being pursued by another animal
32%TAN3M&M's color that was replaced by blue in 1995
32%PHILIPROTH10"Portnoy's Complaint" author who requested that his personal papers be burned after his death: 2 wds.
32%MUSHROOM8Its shape is depicted by this puzzle's white squares
32%KMART5Department store chain that was sold by Sears this year
32%MARS4Planet that's being explored by two NASA rovers
32%AETNA5Insurance company that's being purchased by CVS
32%WALMART7Arkansas-based retailer that is the world's largest company by revenue
32%ANVIL5Blacksmith's heavy block that was sometimes dropped by Wile E. Coyote
32%AFRO4Hairstyle that's been worn by Diana Ross and Beyoncé
32%MARLONBRANDO12"The Godfather" actor who was portrayed by John Goodman on "SNL"'s "Celebrity Jeopardy!": 2 wds.
32%JEFFGOLDBLUM12"Jurassic Park" actor who was portrayed by David Duchovny on "SNL"'s "Celebrity Jeopardy!": 2 wds.
32%SUN3What's been fully "eclipsed" by 8-Across in this puzzle
31%SMILE5Photographer's request
31%LOOKHERE8Photographer's request
31%SAYCHEESE9Photographer's request

Related Clues for Photographer's request that is portrayed by this emoticon :)

How many answers for a Photographer's request that is portrayed by this emoticon :)?
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a Photographer's request that is portrayed by this emoticon :) crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page.
How many answers for a Photographer's request that is portrayed by this emoticon :)?
We have found more than 30 answers for a Photographer's request that is portrayed by this emoticon :) crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the site.