What the Ctrl-S command is used to do, 4 letters

Here you will find the answer to the What the Ctrl-S command is used to do crossword clue with 4 letters that was last seen April 3 2024. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "What the Ctrl-S command is used to do" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%SAVE4What the Ctrl-S command is used to do
57%TYPE4What a computer's keyboard is used to do
49%SEQUOIA7What is the only seven-letter word to use all five vowels and Q?
48%GREATLAKES10What the HOMES mnemonic is used to remember
47%FOLLOWDIRECTIONS16What one must do using the circled letters to solve this puzzle
45%LOCKHERROOM11What she did to not be bothered by the rest of the family?
45%SHOOT5What one is not supposed to do to the messenger
43%CHANGINGTHEGAME15Innovating ... or what the end of the answer to each starred entry is doing?
43%SHIP4What a fool might be using to cross the sea, according to a Grateful Dead song?
42%COMINGINHOT11Arriving with great speed, and what the first words of the answers to the starred clues are doing?
41%MAKEFRIENDS11What the producers of a 10-season sitcom learned to do in kindergarten?
41%ONEWORD7What the answer to this clue is not (it's two!)
41%AGER4What the sun is, to skin
41%EYES4What sunglasses are used to protect
40%TOOLS5What carpenters use to do their work
40%AGE3What a driver’s license might be used to confirm
39%ADD3What is done with insult to injury
39%AGAINSTTHEGRAIN15Contrary to what's expected, or how the circled letters are flowing
39%NOREST6__ for the wicked, there's always work to be done
39%TAKETURNS9What the slalom skier learned to do in kindergarten?
39%CLEANUPTOYS11What the dog groomer learned to do in kindergarten?
39%FINISHWITHATWIST16What the best mystery writers know how to do?
39%BURNER6What might be used to make bad calls?
39%MIGRATE7What birds do to avoid the cold winter
39%RODENT6What a rabbit used to be
38%WEARIT6What to do "if the shoe fits"
38%SPEND5What is done to money when you buy something
38%ATE3What 7 did to 9 in the classic joke
38%INNOVATE8To introduce changes in the way something is done
38%LADDERS7What people use to get to the top

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