Crossword Answer ILIED

ILIED - is a crossword puzzle answer. We found for you 13 different crossword puzzles that contains ILIED answer. The list below order by crosswords date.

ILIEDAdmission of fibbing
ILIEDFibber's confession
ILIED"OK, that wasn't the truth"
ILIEDFibber’s confession
ILIEDFibber’s admission
ILIED"OK, so that's not exactly true"
ILIED"That wasn't exactly honest"
ILIED"Oh wait, that wasn't true"
ILIEDPhrase of fessing up
ILIED"That wasn't exactly true"
ILIED"That was me stretching the truth"
ILIED"That wasn't exactly the truth"
ILIED"So maybe it wasn't the whole truth!"