Crossword Answer PRISM

PRISM - is a crossword puzzle answer. We found for you 21 different crossword puzzles that contains PRISM answer. The list below order by crosswords date.

PRISMWhite light through this object creates a rainbow
PRISMFeature of some kaleidoscopes
PRISMObject that makes rainbows
PRISMShape in geometry
PRISMGlass that refracts light
PRISMLight bender
PRISMLight-bending crystal
PRISMLight-bending item
PRISMObject that separates light
PRISMSpectrum creator
PRISMRainbow creator
PRISMPiece of an SLR
PRISMRainbow-creating item on the cover of "The Dark Side of the Moon"
PRISMLight-refracting crystal
PRISMLight-bending block
PRISMGlass item on Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album cover
PRISMGlass piece that produces rainbows from light
PRISMGlass that disperses sunbeams
PRISMObject that bends light
PRISMFind at the end of a rainbow