"You win, ___" ("Victory is yours!"): 2 wds., 5 letters

Here you will find the answer to the "You win, ___" ("Victory is yours!"): 2 wds. crossword clue with 5 letters that was last seen July 3 2023. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for ""You win, ___" ("Victory is yours!"): 2 wds." from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%ILOSE5"You win, ___" ("Victory is yours!"): 2 wds.
63%ILOSE5"You win, ___" (words of defeat): 2 wds.
60%SOBE4"If that is what you wish, ___ it!": 2 wds.
60%ORI3"Either you do it, ___ will!": 2 wds.
59%ONUS4"This round is ___!" ("Our treat!"): 2 wds.
59%ONUS4"The drinks are ___!" ("Our party!"): 2 wds.
59%ONUS4"The drinks are ___!" ("Our treat!"): 2 wds.
58%GOA3"Can you ___ little faster, please?" (request when one is late): 2 wds.
58%IMA3"___ big fan!" (what you may say when you meet your favorite celeb): 2 wds.
58%GOA3"Can you ___ little slower please?" (request to your taxi driver, perhaps): 2 wds.
57%ONUS4"This party and the drinks are ___!" ("Our treat!"): 2 wds.
57%MARRYME7"Will you ___?" (proposal question with a ring): 2 wds.
56%SAYSO5"If you ___": 2 wds. ("ill take your word for it")
56%ONON4"___, you noblest English!" ("Henry V" quote): 2 wds.
54%NOTSO5"That's ___ bad" ("Could be worse"): 2 wds.
54%GOA3"Can you ___ little faster?" (what you may tell your taxi driver): 2 wds.
54%OHTO4"___ Be in Love" (Kate Bush song): 2 wds.
54%MEA3"Just give ___ minute..." ("Be right with you!"): 2 wds.
54%ONON4"___, you noblest English...!" ("Henry V" line): 2 wds.
53%IBET4"___ you cannot finish the whole pie!" (challenge words): 2 wds.
53%TOME4"Doesn't matter ___" ("Whatever you like"): 2 wds.
53%ILIE4"Would ___ to you?" (tell an untruth): 2 wds.
53%ICANT5"___ believe it" ("OMG!"): 2 wds.
53%GETAT5"What are you trying to ___?" ("What are you implying?"): 2 wds.
52%ISEE4"Peekaboo, ___ you!": 2 wds.
52%DOAS4"___ you're told!" ("Obey!"): 2 wds.
52%ITA3"Give ___ shot!" ("Try!"): 2 wds.
52%ITA3"Give ___ thought!" ("Consider!"): 2 wds.
52%ONA3"Hold ___ sec!" ("Wait!"): 2 wds.
52%ORA3"Do you want pasta ___ salad?" (question at a restaurant, maybe): 2 wds.

Related Clues for "You win, ___" ("Victory is yours!"): 2 wds.

How many answers for a "You win, ___" ("Victory is yours!"): 2 wds.?
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a "You win, ___" ("Victory is yours!"): 2 wds. crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page.
How many answers for a "You win, ___" ("Victory is yours!"): 2 wds.?
We have found more than 30 answers for a "You win, ___" ("Victory is yours!"): 2 wds. crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the the-crossword-solver.org site.