40-day period that starts on Ash Wednesday, 4 letters

Here you will find the answer to the 40-day period that starts on Ash Wednesday crossword clue with 4 letters that was last seen January 4 2024. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "40-day period that starts on Ash Wednesday" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%LENT440-day period that starts on Ash Wednesday
41%BREAK5With the circled letters, period that traditionally ends on Labor Day
37%BEARCRAWL9Core-building exercise that starts on all fours
37%LENT4It begins on Ash Wednesday
37%LENT4Season beginning on Ash Wednesday
36%LENT440-day period of religious observance before Easter
34%ARROW5Symbol that crosses through 3-Across, on Valentine's Day
33%BIDEN5With 10-Across, period that started in January 2021
33%ASH3___ Wednesday (observance that falls on Valentine's Day in 2024)
33%CHADS5Those left hanging on Election Day?
33%ROOK4Chess piece that starts on a corner of the board
33%ARMWRESTLING12Contest that starts with elbows on a table
31%YRS3Periods that last 365 (or 366) days, for short
31%INDIA5Country that celebrates Independence Day on August 15th
31%CLIPONTIE9Accessory that a preschooler might wear on picture day
31%KITE4Toy that's flown on a windy day
30%RIDE4Twenty One Pilots song that was #9 on the 2016 year-end Mainstream Top 40 chart
30%SUNDIALS8Timekeepers that don't work on a rainy day
29%MIT3Cambridge sch. that sends out acceptance letters on Pi Day
29%BEACH5Coastal destination that typically becomes very busy on Labor Day weekend
29%MARATHON8Boston road race that's run on Patriots' Day
29%SUMPPUMPS9Machines with a rhyming name that are active on rainy days
29%SHADOW6Dark shape that is cast on the ground on a sunny day
29%UMBRELLA8Something that may give you shade on a hot day during 4d
28%LENTEN6Fasting period of 40 days before Easter
27%FTD3Network that's very busy on Valentine's Day, for short
27%HASAT5Starts on
27%ASOF4Starting on
26%SBA3Org. that helps start-ups
26%SPA3Resort that focuses on well-being

Related Clues for 40-day period that starts on Ash Wednesday

How many answers for a 40-day period that starts on Ash Wednesday?
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a 40-day period that starts on Ash Wednesday crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page.
How many answers for a 40-day period that starts on Ash Wednesday?
We have found more than 30 answers for a 40-day period that starts on Ash Wednesday crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the the-crossword-solver.org site.