Ancient Greek writer of fables, 5 letters

Here you will find the answer to the Ancient Greek writer of fables crossword clue with 5 letters that was last seen May 31 2023. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Ancient Greek writer of fables" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%AESOP5Ancient Greek writer of fables
73%AESOP5Ancient Greek fable writer
56%AESOP5Writer of many fables
56%AESOP5Greek teller of fables
55%ELEA4Ancient Greek birthplace of Parmenides
55%EROS4Ancient Greek concept of desire
55%AESOP5Ancient fable writer
55%AESOP5Greek fable writer
54%THRACE6Ancient Greek area north of Thessaly
54%AESOP5Fable writer of yore
54%AESOP5Writer of fables like The Tortoise and the Hare
52%AESOP5Source of ancient fables
51%ARISTOTLE9Ancient Greek philosopher: anagram of "late riots"
50%NEMEA5Site of ancient Greek games
50%AESOP5Famed fable writer of yore
50%AESOP5Long-ago Greek writer known for his fables
46%EPICCYCLE9Collection of ancient Greek poems about the Trojan War
46%STROPHE7First part of an ancient Greek ode
44%SIREN5Ancient Greek source of a beautiful song ... or modern source of an awful one
43%AESOP5Ancient Greek storyteller who is known for popular fables such as "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"
41%GRECIAN7Ancient Greek
41%IONIAN6Ancient Greek
40%IONIA5Ancient Greek region
40%AGORA5Ancient Greek market
40%LYRE4Ancient Greek instrument
40%AGORA5Ancient Greek marketplace
40%ODEON5Ancient Greek theater
40%ATTICA6Ancient Greek region
40%PLATO5Ancient Greek philosopher
40%TUNIC5Ancient Greek garment

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How many answers for a Ancient Greek writer of fables?
We have found more than 30 answers for a Ancient Greek writer of fables crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the site.