Bump on a car that is hidden in "al dente", 4 letters

Here you will find the answer to the Bump on a car that is hidden in "al dente" crossword clue with 4 letters that was last seen November 2 2023. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Bump on a car that is hidden in "al dente"" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%DENT4Bump on a car that is hidden in "al dente"
45%BEES4Parts of a business idea on Arrested Development that Gob says will "bring in honey"
44%TESLA5Car that can be plugged in at a Supercharger station
43%ODOMETER8Gauge that tells you how many miles are on a car
43%ANT3Insect that is hidden in "cantaloupe"
42%PER3"P" of MPH that is hidden in "caper"
42%APP3Item that can be placed in a folder on an iPhone
42%TAB3Bar bill that is hidden in "Tabasco"
42%AMP3Sound booster that is hidden in "Campari"
42%SERGE5Twilled fabric that is hidden in "sergeant"
42%DELOREAN8DMC ___, car model that was modified into a time machine in "Back to the Future"
42%KONA4Hawaiian coastal area that is hidden in "konami"
41%AIDA4Opera that was adapted into a musical that opened on Broadway in 2000
41%TAN3Sun-kissed shade that is hidden in "tangerine"
41%TAR3Road-paving goo that is hidden in "tartare"
41%OLD3Word for vintage items that is hidden in "gold"
41%DESTINATION11*Final place on a road trip that needs to be decided in advance
40%STRAY5Many a cat that runs and hides under a car upon being approached by a person
40%DENT4Bump on a car door
39%FORD4___ vs Ferrari, legendary rivalry on the race track that was captured in a 2019 movie
39%MII3Nintendo character that can be found in a "Plaza"
38%DELOREAN8Car that becomes a time machine in "Back to the Future"
38%GTO3Muscle car that "really drives 'em wild" in a 1960s hit
38%EVIAN5Water brand whose name in reverse is a word that means "innocent"
38%TWIT4British slang for a foolish person that can be found in "Twitter"
37%SCARF5Woolen neck wrap that keeps you warm during a nippy fall morning hidden in "Scarface"
37%AHA3"Take On Me" band that was formed in Oslo, Norway: Hyph.
37%EMU3Flightless Outback bird that was the target in a "Great War"
37%TIRES5Car wheel pair that is kept in the trunk
37%GRAPHITE8A shiny black substance that is used in pencils

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How many answers for a Bump on a car that is hidden in "al dente"?
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a Bump on a car that is hidden in "al dente" crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page.
How many answers for a Bump on a car that is hidden in "al dente"?
We have found more than 30 answers for a Bump on a car that is hidden in "al dente" crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the the-crossword-solver.org site.