Carry-___ (small bags), 3 letters

Here you will find the answer to the Carry-___ (small bags) crossword clue with 3 letters that was last seen May 9 2024. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Carry-___ (small bags)" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%ONS3Carry-___ (small bags)
83%ONS3Carry-__ (some airline bags)
71%ONS3Carry-___ (bags stowed in overhead bins)
67%ONS3Carry-___ (some suitcases)
65%ONS3Carry-___ (luggage)
62%ONS3Carry-___ (some pieces of luggage)
62%ONS3Carry-___ (like unchecked airplane baggage)
60%ONS3Carry-___ (luggage that's not checked)
59%ONS3Carry-___ (like luggage you bring into the airplane)
58%ONS3Carry-___ (like luggage you can bring into the airplane)
58%KNACK5Knick-___ (small object)
58%KNACK5Knick-___ (small trinket)
58%CHAT4Chit-___ (small talk)
57%TUNE4Fine-___ (make some small adjustments to)
56%ITTY4___-bitty (very small)
56%ITSY4___-bitsy (quite small)
56%AWAY4Get carried ___ (lose self-control)
56%TRA3X-___ small (like some tees)
55%ANTE4Penny-___ (small-time)
55%HOLER5Nine-___ (small golf course)
54%ATUNE5Carry ___ (sing adequately)
54%TALK4Small ___ (casual conversation)
54%NOTS4Forget-me-___ (small blue flowers)
53%XXXXX5Carry ___ (sing)
51%TOTES5Carry-all shopping bags
50%ONE3Air Force ___ (POTUS-carrying plane)
50%CHIT4___-chat (small talk)
49%CURD4Small or large ___ (cottage cheese designation)
49%BEDIN5__-a-Bag (package with pillowcases)
48%CHAT4Chit ___ (make small talk)

Related Clues for Carry-___ (small bags)

How many answers for a Carry-___ (small bags)?
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a Carry-___ (small bags) crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page.
How many answers for a Carry-___ (small bags)?
We have found more than 30 answers for a Carry-___ (small bags) crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the site.