E.T. from an '80s sitcom, 3 letters

Here you will find the answer to the E.T. from an '80s sitcom crossword clue with 3 letters that was last seen July 8 2023. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "E.T. from an '80s sitcom" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%ALF3E.T. from an '80s sitcom
54%ALF3* Sitcom character from the '80s that is an example of 11a
51%ALF3'80s sitcom ET from Melmac: Abbr.
47%ALF3E.T. on '80s TV
40%RESONANCE9Quality of an opera singer's voice e.g.
39%CPR3E.M.T.'s technique
38%ASH3Fallout from a cigarette but not an e-cigarette
38%SLAMINTO8T-bone, e.g.
38%ASIAN5From the Philippines, e.g.
38%THAI4From Chiang Mai, e.g.
38%DELI4Katz's from "When Harry Met Sally," e.g.
38%DEFIB5E.M.T.'s apparatus, informally
37%PARTS5An arm and a leg, e.g.
36%DINO4T. rex, e.g.
36%FREES5Releases from prison, e.g.
36%HONOR5Give an award, e.g.
36%LOSTMEDIA9Show that's been removed from streaming without a physical release, e.g.
36%USVISA6Document from an Amer. embassy
36%EDICT5Bull from the pope, e.g.
36%RELEASEDATE11When an album drops, e.g.
36%IVBAG5Pouch of fluid in an E.R.
36%RAW3Like an unedited video, e.g.
36%WROTE5Worked on an essay, e.g.
35%ALF3Extraterrestrial from a 1980's sitcom
35%DINOS5T. rexes and raptors, e.g.
35%ATOP4Getting a piggyback ride from, e.g.
35%SCAMS5Calls purportedly from the IRS, e.g.
35%COLDCAUSE9Germs from day care, e.g.?
35%GOO3The substance Gak from Nickelodeon, e.g.
35%STAT4Datum from Elias Sports Bureau, e.g.

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How many answers for a E.T. from an '80s sitcom?
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a E.T. from an '80s sitcom crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page.
How many answers for a E.T. from an '80s sitcom?
We have found more than 30 answers for a E.T. from an '80s sitcom crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the the-crossword-solver.org site.