Element whose name comes from the Greek meaning "new", 4 letters

Here you will find the answer to the Element whose name comes from the Greek meaning "new" crossword clue with 4 letters that was last seen March 26 2021. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Element whose name comes from the Greek meaning "new"" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%NEON4Element whose name comes from the Greek meaning "new"
77%EVANGELICALISM14Movement whose name comes from the Greek for "good news"
70%IRIDIUM7Element whose name comes from the Greek for "rainbow"
70%ODE3Work whose name comes from the Greek for "sing"
66%XENON5Gas whose name comes from the Greek word for "foreigner"
66%HEMATITE8Mineral whose name comes from the Greek word for "blood"
61%GYRO4Food whose name comes from the Greek for “turn”
60%ARGON5Element named from the Greek for "idle"
59%YEN3Currency whose name comes from a word meaning "round"
59%ULNA4Bone whose name comes from the Latin for "elbow"
59%ECRU4Shade whose name comes from the French for "unbleached"
57%EMPANADA8Savory pastry whose name comes from the Spanish for "breaded"
57%MACAROONS9Coconutty confections whose name comes from the Italian for "paste"
57%DUVET5Household item whose name comes from the French for "down"
57%ARCHAEOPTERYX13Dinosaur name from the Greek meaning "ancient feather"
57%XXXXX5Skin care brand whose name comes from the Latin for "snow"
56%ARG3S. American country whose name comes from the Latin for "silver"
56%ENTREPOTS9Facilities whose name comes from the French for "to store"
56%JERKY5Snack whose name comes from the Quechua for "dried meat"
56%NAYA4Brand whose name derives from the Greek for "water nymph"
55%IRENE5Woman's name that comes from the Greek for "peace"
55%ARWEN5Fantasy character whose name comes from the Sindarin for "noble maiden"
55%BENEDICTION11Blessing whose name comes from the Latin for "to speak well"
55%BAGUETTE8Loaf whose name comes from the French word for "stick"
54%TAHOE5Lake whose name comes from the Washo word for "the lake"
54%APEROL6Italian liqueur whose name comes from the French slang for "aperitif"
54%OHIO4State whose name comes from the Iroquoian word for "great river"
54%CAMRY5Car model whose name comes from the Japanese word for "crown"
53%EDAMAME7Appetizer whose name comes from the Japanese words for "stem" and "bean"
52%OPAL4Gem whose name comes from "upala," the Sanskrit word for "precious stone"

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In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a Element whose name comes from the Greek meaning "new" crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page.
How many answers for a Element whose name comes from the Greek meaning "new"?
We have found more than 30 answers for a Element whose name comes from the Greek meaning "new" crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the the-crossword-solver.org site.