Gabor, Hungarian socialite with a repeated name, 3 letters

Here you will find the answer to the Gabor, Hungarian socialite with a repeated name crossword clue with 3 letters that was last seen January 31 2024. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Gabor, Hungarian socialite with a repeated name" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%ZSA3Gabor, Hungarian socialite with a repeated name
51%BORABORA8French Polynesian resort destination with a repeating name
50%BORABORA8French Polynesian island with a repeating name
40%EPISODEI8Film with a boy named Anakin, familiarly
39%TITLED6With a noble name
38%ANDANTE7When repeated, ABBA song named after a tempo
38%NITS4Canadian province with a Latin name, for short
37%BARBENHEIMER12Blockbuster phenomenon with a portmanteau name (July, 2023)
36%BETH4Short form of a girl's name, along with Liz
36%URANUS6Planet named after a primordial Greek deity, with 27 known moons
36%LAA3When doubled, the Teletubby with a sing-song name
36%POIS4Tiny green peas with a French name, petits __
36%SCREAMO7Aggressive, loud musical genre with a portmanteau name
36%MARY4Name repeated in a nursery rhyme
36%ERIE4Great lake with a "mysterious" name
36%LAO3People with a language of the same name
36%ACDC4Band with a lightning bolt in its name
36%YMA3Sumac with a Quechua-based stage name
36%UTAH4Westernmost state with a four-letter name
36%ACDC4Rock band with a slash in its name
36%ASIA41980s band with a "continental" name
36%LUX3Soap brand with a lavish-sounding name
36%RASPBERRYPI11Tiny computer with a dessert-inspired name
36%ERIE4Great Lake with a vowel-heavy name
36%JELLO5Snack brand with a hyphen in its name
36%SNUGLI6Baby carrier with a cozy-sounding name
36%ICEE4Frozen drink with a frozen-sounding name
36%SAMADAMS8Beer with a palindromic address in its name
36%ELLE4Monthly with a palindromic name
36%COMET5Reindeer with a celestial name

Related Clues for Gabor, Hungarian socialite with a repeated name

How many answers for a Gabor, Hungarian socialite with a repeated name?
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a Gabor, Hungarian socialite with a repeated name crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page.
How many answers for a Gabor, Hungarian socialite with a repeated name?
We have found more than 30 answers for a Gabor, Hungarian socialite with a repeated name crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the site.