Know-it-___ (smart aleck), 3 letters

Here you will find the answer to the Know-it-___ (smart aleck) crossword clue with 3 letters that was last seen October 31 2023. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Know-it-___ (smart aleck)" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%ALL3Know-it-___ (smart aleck)
68%ALEC4Smart ___ (know-it-all)
67%ALLS4Know-it-___ (self-proclaimed experts)
60%BUC3___-ee's (convenience store known for its clean bathrooms)
58%ALEC4Smart-___ (smarty pants)
54%SEXY4"___ and I Know It" (2011 hit by LMFAO)
53%CELEBES7(n.) Indonesian island known for its movie-star tourists
51%ITALL5Know-__ (smarty)
51%AVERSE6Risk-___ (likely to play it safe)
51%PEA3___-brained (not smart)
51%INTHE5___ know (well-informed)
50%TECH4High-___ (like a smart refrigerator, say)
49%VIERA5___ Connect (Panasonic smart-TV platform)
48%ALEC4Smart ___ (wise guy)
48%ALEC4Smart ___ (sassy talker)
48%ALECK5Smart ___ (wise guy)
48%PIG3*Did you know 14a is nicknamed whistle-___ (oinking animal)?
47%MILLE5___-feuille (French pastry named for its layers)
47%WHIP4Smart as a ___ (very bright)
46%HOOFS5___ it (walks)
46%WING4___ it (improvise)
46%HOTFOOT7___ it (run)
46%AWARE5Self-___ (knows oneself well, say)
45%EAR3Play it by ___ (improvise)
45%REAL4Keep it ___ (be honest)
45%SAFE4Play it ___ (avoid risks)
45%NAME4Household ___ (well-known person)
45%GOVERNMENT10Self-__ (country's rule by its own people)
44%POST4___-its (sticky notes)

Related Clues for Know-it-___ (smart aleck)

How many answers for a Know-it-___ (smart aleck)?
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a Know-it-___ (smart aleck) crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page.
How many answers for a Know-it-___ (smart aleck)?
We have found more than 30 answers for a Know-it-___ (smart aleck) crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the site.