Lisa in the famous da Vinci painting, 4 letters

Here you will find the answer to the Lisa in the famous da Vinci painting crossword clue with 4 letters that was last seen January 15 2023. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Lisa in the famous da Vinci painting" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%MONA4Lisa in the famous da Vinci painting
52%MONALISA8Da Vinci portrait in the Louvre
44%URIEL5Archangel depicted in da Vinci's Virgin of the Rocks
41%MONA4___ Lisa, painting by Leonardo da Vinci
40%MONA4__ Lisa, famous artwork on display in The Louvre
40%PLEINAIR8In the field of painting?
38%LAST4"The ___ Supper" (famous Leonardo da Vinci painting)
37%OCHER5Pigment used in the Lascaux cave paintings
37%MONA4Da Vinci's "___ Lisa"
36%RITE4Word in the title of a famous Stravinsky piece
36%LEDA4Da Vinci’s “___ and the Swan”
35%PITCH4K7Farming implement seen in the painting "American Gothic"
35%ARLES5Word in the title of many a van Gogh painting
35%MASS4The "m" in Einstein's famous equation
35%MONA4Leonardo da Vinci's "___ Lisa"
35%MONALISA8Painted lady by da Vinci: 2 wds.
34%BARNUM6Famous New York circus in The Greatest Showman
34%LAMB4Animal in the Francisco de Zurbarán painting Agnus Dei
33%0Friday, in the famous riddle about the cowboy who rides into town on Friday
33%MONA4___ Lisa (popular painting at the Louvre)
33%NAP3Downfall of the Hare, in Aesop's famous fable
33%REDEEMER8Christ the __, famous statue in Rio de Janeiro
32%RENO4Jean who starred in Ronin, The Da Vinci Code
32%MENSA5Org. featured in the Simpsons episode "They Saved Lisa's Brain"
32%GORDONLIGHTFOOT15Famous Canadian artist with several hits in the '70s
31%BONET5Actress Lisa, Denise Huxtable in The Cosby Show
31%EDSEL5Ford's famous flop in the '50s
31%NAPS4Features of the da Vinci sleep schedule
31%AOL3Famous name in emails, in the '90s: Abbr.
31%MONALISA8Renaissance painting that briefly hung in the bedroom of Napoleon

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