Particle with a mass about 270 times that of an electron, 4 letters

Here you will find the answer to the Particle with a mass about 270 times that of an electron crossword clue with 4 letters that was last seen March 2 2024. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Particle with a mass about 270 times that of an electron" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%PION4Particle with a mass about 270 times that of an electron
42%MESON5Particle with a diameter of about one femtometer
40%MUON4Subatomic particle with greater mass than an electron
39%STEEL5"___ Magnolias," 1989 film with an ensemble cast that is about a group of women in a small, Southern community
38%ANDES5South American mountain range with a name that's an anagram of sedan
35%CNN3Channel that debuted in 1980 with a story about an assassination attempt on Vernon Jordan
34%MINUTE6Word that's either a unit of time or an adjective, depending on which syllable you stress
34%INTRO5Part of a YouTuber's video that might contain an animation with their name
32%RUM3A type of alcohol that rhymes with hum
32%YARN4A type of string that rhymes with barn
32%ASIA4About a third of Earth's land mass
32%MOMENT6A very short period of time, an instant
32%ROAST5A way of cooking meat that rhymes with boast
31%DECAF5Contents of a carafe with an orange lid
31%OUR3Pronoun that sounds like a unit of time
31%SITKA5Spruce that shares a name with an Alaskan city
31%MELON5Fruit that's an anagram of a fruit
30%XENON5The only chemical element with a name that begins with an x
30%RIM3Part of an iced tea glass that might hold a lemon slice
30%CIDER5Christmas beverage with a scent that may remind you of the holidays
30%JAVA4Programming language that shares a name with an Indonesian island
30%VERNA5Name that’s an anagram of a black bird
30%REED4Part of a musical instrument that anagrams to an animal
30%ETHICS6Subject of a Senate committee with an interest in gifts
30%MONTH5Period of time that lasts about one lunar cycle
30%ERA3A long period of time; an age
30%PINE4Christmas tree type with a scent that may remind you of the holidays
30%OUR3Adjective that's a homophone of a unit of time
30%TUCSON6Southwest city that gets about 350 days of sunshine a year
30%YOLK4Yellow core in an egg that is a homophone of 1d

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How many answers for a Particle with a mass about 270 times that of an electron?
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a Particle with a mass about 270 times that of an electron crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page.
How many answers for a Particle with a mass about 270 times that of an electron?
We have found more than 30 answers for a Particle with a mass about 270 times that of an electron crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the site.