Past, present, or future, in grammar, 5 letters

Here you will find the answer to the Past, present, or future, in grammar crossword clue with 5 letters that was last seen November 1 2023. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Past, present, or future, in grammar" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%TENSE5Past, present, or future, in grammar
96%TENSE5It may be past, present, or future, in grammar
92%TENSE5Past, present or future, in grammar
70%TENSE5Past, present, or future, grammatically speaking
70%TENSE5Past, present, or future, for verbs
70%TENSE5Past, present, or future
68%TENSE5Past, present, or future, e.g.
67%TENSE5Past, present or future
63%TENSE5It could be past, present or future
62%TENSES6Future, past and present in linguistics
61%TENSE5Word with "past," "present," or "future," in grammar
55%TENSES6Past, present, and future, grammatically
54%TENSE5Past, perfect, or future perfect
52%TENSES6Past, present and future
51%TENSE5Past, present, perfect, or imperfect
50%PAST4Present, in the future
41%PAST4Not the present or the future
38%VERB4Action word, in grammar
38%TENSES6Past and present, for verbs
37%AVENUE6A, B, or C, in NYC
37%CAT3Garfield, Sylvester, or Tom, in cartoons
37%HEP3In, in the past
37%AGO3In the past, say
37%TAG3 or , in HTML
36%PAST4___, present, and future
36%GEAR4First, second, or reverse, in a car
36%POSE4Cat or cow, in yoga
36%STROKE6Butterfly or crawl, in swimming
36%EAU3Perrier or Evian, in French
36%LION4Simba or Kimba, in animation

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How many answers for a Past, present, or future, in grammar?
We have found more than 30 answers for a Past, present, or future, in grammar crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the site.