Same restaurant order as always, with "the", 5 letters

Here you will find the answer to the Same restaurant order as always, with "the" crossword clue with 5 letters that was last seen May 9 2024. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Same restaurant order as always, with "the"" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%USUAL5Same restaurant order as always, with "the"
53%ENTER5Computer key with the same function as "Return"
48%IKE3Candy icon with the same name as his partner, minus the first lettter
47%ISOMER6Molecule with the same chemical formula as another
46%NAMESAKE8Person with the same moniker as another
46%MAFIA5Party game with the same rules as Werewolf
45%USUAL5Regular's order, with "the"
44%ASPENS6Trees with the same name as a Colorado ski resort
44%KIWI4Flightless bird with the same name as a fuzzy fruit
44%PESTO5Sauce with the same consonants as the food it goes on
44%DAN3Forrest Gump character with the same rank as 24-Across
44%BAR3It shares the same consonants with "beer," fittingly
43%BTS3Group with the same manager as Tomorrow X Together and Lee Hyun
43%IHOP4Restaurant chain with the slogan "Come hungry, leave happy": Abbr.
43%BLEED5Run, as colors in the washing machine (rhymes with "plead")
42%ZULUTIME8Same as GMT, according to the phonetic language
42%INSOFAR7To the degree that, with "as"
42%PALATINE8Chicago suburb with the same name as one of Rome's seven hills
41%EVILONE7The Devil, with "the"
40%OTTER5Playful aquatic mammal with a name that comes from the same root as water
40%SLUG4Fittingly, it shares the same first two letters with "slow" and "slimy"
40%ERIE4Town in “That Thing You Do!” with the same name as a Great Lake
40%IHOP4Pancake restaurant chain with the slogan: "Come hungry, leave happy": Abbr.
39%KUWAIT6Oil-rich country, with the falcon as national bird
39%IDEM4"The same as before," in a footnote
39%YEA3Vote that means the same as "aye"
39%DOE3Word that sounds the same as "dough"
39%TAG3Touch with the ball, as a base runner
39%BOSSED6Gave orders, with "around"
39%BAABAA6Words sung on the same notes as "twinkle," in a different nursery rhyme

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How many answers for a Same restaurant order as always, with "the"?
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a Same restaurant order as always, with "the" crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page.
How many answers for a Same restaurant order as always, with "the"?
We have found more than 30 answers for a Same restaurant order as always, with "the" crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the site.