Crosswords Clues Starts With (

On this page you can find a list of crosswords clues start with (, and sorted by alphabetical.

We found about 348 clues that starts with (
(2/6) In a few days a tiny ___ hatches and will feed on leaves to grow bigger
(2/6) Now, lie or sit down, ___ your eyes and breathe in and breathe out. Focus on each breath you intake and release.
(2/7) " a ___ open sleigh...": Hyph.
(2/7) "Let's start by trying our luck at the ___ (traveling show) games! Maybe we can win ourselves a stuffed toy!"
(2/7) "Show off your child's little league ___ (numbered top) by hanging it up as a unique decorative piece!"
(2/7) "Start with preheating the ___ (cake-making appliance) to 350 degrees."
(2/7) "The joy of ___ slowly approaches while family members near and far flock in to celebrate."
(2/7) Let's paint some white cottony ___ for the birds to fly around
(2/7) On Tuesday, he cleared his past ___ (rhymes with "Tues")
(2/7)["When Harry ___ Sally"] 1989 rom-com starring Meg Ryan...or what may be the second sentence in a romantic story
(2/8) "...There is just one thing I ___ (and I)..."
(2/8) "Add a base of cooked ___ (grain commonly eaten in Asia)"
(2/9) "I am the Tooth Fairy, guided through the moonlit ___" (bedtime, usually)
(3/10) "No Christmas is complete without some mouth-watering treats! Let's put up the Christmas candy ___ "
(3/10) "The second item on the shopping list is a greeting ___ that you can send out to loved ones!"
(3/10) ...and told him that he would see three more ___ that night and must listen to them.
(3/3) End of a parent's warning that may come after one says 10a, 36a, 43a, 58a, 7d and 22d
(3/5) "Battles are fought with ___ sticks (NHL domain), in arenas where prowesses mix!..."
(3/5) "For the dry mixture, let us combine ___, sugar, baking powder, and salt"
(3/5) Part of a New Year's countdown... or a trio's number
(3/5) Spread the ___ (pesto, e.g.) and any toppings of your choice.
(3/5) With a book in hand, let's head home and settle in with a freshly brewed cup of ___
(3/6) "___ some popcorn and drinks to munch on during the cinematic experience."
(3/6) "For flushed cheeks, add some ___ (rose-tinted color pop) and layer it up with a generous amount of highlighter"
(3/6) "Once that is done, time to fill the rest of the ___ (crossword maze)."
(3/6) "Pick a ___ (path) depending on your skill and difficulty level, and set it on your phone."
(3/6) "Plan a simple yet delicious ___ (snack but a little bigger) that can be enjoyed by all!"
(3/6) After a few weeks the 17a finds a comfy spot and forms a ___ or chrysalis
(3/6) Granulated product that can add sweetness to your drink
(3/6) You can play some mindful ___ to relax even more.
(3/7) "...O'er the ___ we go..."
(3/7) "Before we head to the rides, let's get some cotton ___ for a sugar rush!"
(3/7) "In a bowl, take some ___ (shredded) 17a, sugar, oil, and a pinch of salt. Whisk till it mixes well."
(3/7) "In cozy kitchens, the aroma of freshly baked apple ___ fills the air."
(3/7) "Show off your collection of paperback and hardcover ___ (novels) by using them as a unique decorative piece!"
(3/7) Let's start painting the ground. Pick up the green to paint the ___
(3/7) On Wednesday, he went to ___ with an idea in his head (rhymes with "Wed")
(3/7)...after ["Coming to ___"] 1988 rom-com starring Eddie Murphy...or what may be the third sentence in a romantic story
(3/8) "...Don't care about the ___ underneath the Christmas tree..."
(3/8) "Now time for some protein, let's add some ___ (commonly-used meat used in hamburgers)"
(3/9) "As children slumber, their dreams ___" (firefly feature)
(4/10) "Keeping with the sports theme, the next item to purchase is a snow ___ that you can ride down the slopes with your kids!"
(4/10) "Let's cozy up the fireplace with a red ___ (foot warmer) or two for Santa to fill with small gifts!"
(4/10) First was the Ghost of Christmas ___, who showed Scrooge Christmas scenes from his earlier life...
(4/5) "After this, let us put this mixture into a ___, continuing to stir until all the ingredients are well combined"
(4/5) "Snowboard daredevils ___ (mimic an eagle) fearlessly, carving beautiful trails endlessly!..."
(4/5) Flip to the first ___ and start your journey into the world created by the author
(4/5) In a preheated oven, ___ (cook) the dough for about 15 minutes.
(4/5) Part of a New Year's Countdown...or a duo's number
(4/6) "___ Chalamet, who played Paul Atreides in 'Dune,' will reprise the lead role alongside Zendaya"