Studies recommend taking 8,000+ of these each day, 5 letters

Here you will find the answer to the Studies recommend taking 8,000+ of these each day crossword clue with 5 letters that was last seen July 25 2023. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Studies recommend taking 8,000+ of these each day" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%STEPS5Studies recommend taking 8,000+ of these each day
30%NAP3On a cozy indoor day, take this short snooze
29%OFF3Instead of school, Ferris Bueller took the day __
29%HRS3A day has 24 of these, for short
28%COCOA5On a cozy indoor day, grab this hot cup of chocolatey goodness
28%THUMBS6Humans have one of these on each hand
27%SMILE5Let one of these be your umbrella on a rainy day
27%BUELLER7This Ferris is known for taking a day off
26%OOLOGY6This study takes closer look at bird eggs
26%IDES4Two days before the publication of this puzzle, e.g.
26%WED3Day of the wk. on which this puzzle was released
26%WATER5Doctors recommend the body get 8 glasses a day
26%TOTALSOLARECLIPSE17Event taking place across parts of North America on Monday, represented in four spots in this puzzle
25%MUSTACHE8What each set of circled letters in this grid represents
25%BIRDS5On the fourth day of Christmas, your true love may send you these four calling "avians"
25%RINGS5On the fifth day of Christmas, your true love may send you these five "engagement pieces"
25%FRENCH6On the third day of Christmas, your true love may send you these three hens from Paris, perhaps
24%LED3Took charge of, say
24%USE3Take advantage of, say
24%GRAB4Take hold of, quickly
24%USES4Takes advantage of, say
24%OLOGIES7Podcast that focuses on a different branch of scientific study each episode
24%TURTLE6On the second day of Christmas, your true love may send you these two doves that may "snap"
24%HEELS5"Head over ___," phrase for a way of falling in love this Valentine's Day
24%OFF3Taking a personal day, say
24%NOTIN5Taking a personal day, say
24%OFF3Taking a vacation day, say
24%USE3Take unfair advantage of, say
24%SEETO5Take care of, as duties
24%PAID4Took care of dinner, say

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How many answers for a Studies recommend taking 8,000+ of these each day?
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a Studies recommend taking 8,000+ of these each day crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page.
How many answers for a Studies recommend taking 8,000+ of these each day?
We have found more than 30 answers for a Studies recommend taking 8,000+ of these each day crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the site.