Trees whose leaves giraffes eat, 7 letters

Here you will find the answer to the Trees whose leaves giraffes eat crossword clue with 7 letters that was last seen August 17 2022. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Trees whose leaves giraffes eat" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%ACACIAS7Trees whose leaves giraffes eat
56%ELMS4Trees whose leaves are susceptible to beetles
49%BLACK5___ tupelo, tree whose leaves turn red during fall
46%ELM3American ___, "nightmarish" tree whose leaves turn yellow during fall
43%OAK3Tree used for barrel wood whose leaves turn orange during fall
43%BIRCH5Tree with a papery bark whose leaves turn orange during fall
41%SUGAR5___ maple, "syrupy" tree whose leaves turn red, orange, and yellow during fall
38%JUNIPERS8Trees whose berries flavor gin
37%ELMS4Trees with serrated leaves
37%ELMS4Trees with oval leaves
37%ALDER5Tree whose bark has medicinal uses
37%ACACIA6Tree whose sap forms gum arabic
36%YEW3Tree whose name sounds like a vowel
36%ACACIA6Tree favored by giraffes
36%FROND5Leaf on a palm tree
35%OAKS4Trees whose wood is used for whiskey barrels
35%FANPALMS8Trees with pinwheel-like leaves
35%YEW3Tree whose name sounds like "u"
35%CACAO5Tree whose seeds are used to make chocolate
35%ALDER5Tree whose roots contain nitrogen-fixing organisms
35%GINKGO6Tree with fan-shaped leaves
34%ELM3Deciduous tree with oblong leaves
34%YEW3Evergreen tree with poisonous leaves
34%MOTH4Insect whose larvae eat clothes
33%YEW3Tree whose name is a homophone of "you"
33%OLD3Like a tree whose stump has many rings
33%ELM3Nightmarish street tree with serrated leaves
33%SCREWPINE9Spiraling tropical tree with prickly leaves
33%MAPLE5Tree whose first four letters are an anagram of another tree
32%ELM3Tree whose name anagrams to the name of two Spice Girls

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How many answers for a Trees whose leaves giraffes eat?
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a Trees whose leaves giraffes eat crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page.
How many answers for a Trees whose leaves giraffes eat?
We have found more than 30 answers for a Trees whose leaves giraffes eat crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the site.