Wafer cookie sometimes used in pie crusts, 5 letters

Here you will find the answer to the Wafer cookie sometimes used in pie crusts crossword clue with 5 letters that was last seen October 16 2022. The list below contains all the answers and solutions for "Wafer cookie sometimes used in pie crusts" from the crosswords and other puzzles, sorted by rating.

100%NILLA5Wafer cookie sometimes used in pie crusts
49%NILLA5Brand of wafer cookies sometimes layered in banana pudding
49%OREOS5Cookies used to make some pie crusts
41%OREOS5Cookies sometimes used to make piecrusts
40%OAK3Wood sometimes used in buckets
40%PEPITA6Seed sometimes used in granola
40%FIGS4Turkish fruits sometimes used in jams
40%TON3Unit sometimes used in refrigeration power
40%PECAN5Nut used in pies and pralines
39%OREO4Cookie in some cheesecake crusts
39%OREO4Cookie used in some cheesecakes
38%APPLE5Fruit commonly used in pies and cider production
38%MINCER6Tool used in meat pie preparation
38%CHIA4High-fiber seed sometimes used in overnight oats
38%NAAN4Bread sometimes used as a pizza crust
38%PECAN5Nut often used in a Thanksgiving pie
36%ANCHOVIES9Small fish that are sometimes used in Caesar dressing or on pizza
35%OREO4Cookie whose crumbs are used in some piecrusts
34%LARD4Nonvegan fat in a pie crust
34%REDONION8Purplish vegetable that's sometimes used in guacamole and salsa: 2 wds.
33%OREO4Cookie that's used as the "dirt" in dirt pudding
29%LARD4Pie crust ingredient
28%OREOS5Cookies sometimes disassembled before eating
28%NILLAS6Nabisco wafer cookies
27%TRADEINS8Used vehicles, sometimes
27%LARD4Classic pie crust ingredient
27%OREOS5Crunchy pie crust ingredients
27%TAROS5Roots used in poi
27%ARMS4Limbs used in hugging
27%RUM3Liquor used in cakes

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How many answers for a Wafer cookie sometimes used in pie crusts?
In our big wordsbase we have found several answers for a Wafer cookie sometimes used in pie crusts crossword clue, but the most correct answer that is based on search relevancy and popularity you can find on this page.
How many answers for a Wafer cookie sometimes used in pie crusts?
We have found more than 30 answers for a Wafer cookie sometimes used in pie crusts crossword clue, of which 1 that is the most relevant you will find on the the-crossword-solver.org site.