Latest Crosswords Clues

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We found about 463347 clues in our database

Guys creating commercials
Homer's dad on "The Simpsons"
Telephone greeting
"Jersey Shore" channel
Actor Baldwin of "30 Rock"
Chemical formula for caesium chloride
Columns' horizontal counterparts
To remove writing, marking or traces of something
Selects for a job
Feline antagonist in She-Ra
Emit a beam of coherent monochromatic light
Quick-growing sprouting seed, eaten in salads
What finally broke the camel's back
Egypt's capital city
Alicia Silverstone Clueless character
A witch can cast one
TV MASH's Hawkeye actor Alan __
Give something another go
Cook who works under the head in a kitchen
They don't believe that god or gods exist
Major dip in the surface of the earth
Thought about to an unhealthy extent
African nation that has Yaoundé as its capital
Europe's space exploration group
Special effects abbreviation
Artist Warhol who painted soup cans
Golf ball platform
One who acts and doesn't procrastinate
Noise made to quieten someone
Missing, gone astray
Poisonous chemical used to kill weeds
The most spooky
Feng __ focuses on Asian theory of balance
Code for Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
At the peak of
Soprano alto baritone, for short
Freshwater fish that sounds deep
Friendly to the environment, sustainable
"Fit ___ tee": 2 wds.
Kind person's offering on a crowded train, perhaps
Obligation to repay
Uno + uno
Annoying wake-up call from a bedside clock
Cash dispenser letters
Boat rowing need
Annoy playfully (rhymes with "please")
What the Flash is not!